danceFLOORED x Bell Works: Dance Like a Mother

danceFLOORED x Bell Works: Dance Like a Mother


Thursday May 9th 2024
Bell Works
Holmdel, NJ


danceFLOORED X Bell Works
Thursday May 9th, 2024
Tootsie Olan’s NYC signature, legendary danceFLOORED class @ Bell Works. ALL LEVELS WELCOME! A dance class like none other. 100+ of us. Energy high. Beats thumping. Live DJ spinning. Ruthless joy.  This has become the event that so many look forward to. This Mother’s Day weekend, set the tone for YOU. Before the hoopla of flowers and brunches of Sunday kick in, get your mama fire lit on the dance floor. Whether you’re a mother, love your mama or don’t. Wanna be one or don’t. Mourn the loss of yours or cherish the one you have, we all come from one and frankly, we all have to mother ourselves better than anyone else. So we celebrate any + every way you need to! This ain’t your mama’s dance class. Unless… it very much is.

ALL LEVELS WELCOME! Energy high. Beats thumping. Live DJ spinning. Ruthless joy.  As always, post class feel free to join us for cocktails + eats just steps away from the dance floor.

This event is intended for ALL LEVELS, ALL AGES, ALL SIZES, ALL SHAPES. This party, this movement--It's a certain kind of exhilaration, ass-kicking, total release therapy you didn't even know you needed + wanted. Grab a friend or 10. Make it a night. Get your spot now before it hits wait list , as it often does. You're a dancer? Super. You're not + nervous? Super! No one cares. Starting with me. This is about feels not performance. Bring you as you are.
Wear sneakers, bring water + towel. As always, just prepare for some legit, unleashed FUN.Feeling THIS moment.
Recommended for 10 yrs old +

Location: Bell Works Holmdel, NJ

*Please note: Refunds cannot be given for cancellations within 24 hours of event.